

Front-end and mobile terminal/client device solutions* ::

  • Vue 3.4 Eco-systems and SPA like native advanced applications
  • Vue 3.4 available based on Vite, Pinia, and peripheral techs
  • Vanilla JavaScript (ES6/ES2017), HTML Living Standard & CSS3
  • React components/blocks based on Node.js/npm+VSCode
  • TypeScript available on Vue projects

Server-side ::

  • PHP 8.2/8.3 or Node.js 20.14 (min 18) managed by npm tools
  • WordPress 6.6 – 6.5.5, Non-FSE like SWELL/Snow Monkey/Arkhe/Cocoon, and FSE based on Twenty Twenty-Four, ACF, useful plugins and REST APIs.
  • WP FSE templates and parts customized for UX enhancement
  • MySQL refactoring, some plugins’ seculity checking and updating
  • Gutenberg Projects, in particular, customized Blocks on the Editor of WordPress
  • MySQL 8.0/5.7 & MariaDB 11.4, nginx 1.25, Apache 2.4, Linux WSL2 (Ubuntu 24), available to deploy APIs on Azure/Kubernetes and Xserver VPS
  • Nuxt 3 SSR/SSG

Clients ::

  • Android 12-14, non native for Chrome/Firefox
  • Windows 11/10 based on .NET Frameworks with Chrome/Firefox
  • Embedded AVR Systems for TC/TM using Arduino boards


  • 設計・実装と試験(Arduino C/C++)・運用保守実務
  • 英文法・英作文(英検 2級・準1級、中学高校・大学受験(共通テスト・二次SD58-67BA)、TOEIC L&R TEST 600-730-860)、英文和食レシピ

* (1) PWA instead of mobile native applications with simple codes including Chromium rendering tests and Lighthouse tests. Support up to Dec. 15, 2023. (2) SPA of English Practice drills and related applications.